
Interview with Katherine Mayo: An agent-based analysis of real-time payments and fraud risk mitigation

Find out about a strategic agent-based analysis of fraud risk mitigation in real-time payments.
19 September 2024, by

Interview with Jerone Andrews: a framework towards evaluating diversity in datasets

Hear from ICML best paper award winner about the development of an evaluation framework for datasets.
17 September 2024, by

Diffusion model approach tackles aspect ratio problem in generative AI images

Generative AI can completely fail when prompted to generate images at different image sizes and resolutions.
20 September 2024, by

Using deep learning to help distinguish dark matter from cosmic noise

An deep learning-aided tool developed at EPFL can distinguish dark matter’s elusive effects from other cosmic phenomena.
18 September 2024, by

The Good Robot podcast: the EU AI Act part 1, with Caterina and Daniel from Access Now

In this episode, Eleanor and Kerry ask Daniel Leufer and Caterina Rodelli about the EU AI Act.
16 September 2024, by

A list of resources, articles, and opinion pieces relating to generative AI models – September 2024 update

We've updated our list to include the latest LLM and generative AI resources.
13 September 2024, by and

The Vesuvius Challenge is using AI to virtually unroll Pompeii’s ancient scrolls

Since March 2023, more than 1,000 teams have entered this competition.
12 September 2024, by

Geometric deep learning for protein sequence design

Researchers have developed an AI-driven model designed to predict protein sequences from backbone scaffolds.
10 September 2024, by

How to evaluate jailbreak methods: a case study with the StrongREJECT benchmark

Providing a more accurate assessment of jailbreak effectiveness.
09 September 2024, by

CLAIRE AQuA: AI for citizens

Watch the recording of the latest CLAIRE All Questions Answered session.
06 September 2024, by

Developing a system for real-time sensing of flooded roads

Research fuses multiple data sources with AI model for enhanced sensing of road conditions.
05 September 2024, by

Forthcoming machine learning and AI seminars: September 2024 edition

A list of free-to-attend AI-related seminars that are scheduled to take place between 2 September and 31 October 2024.
02 September 2024, by

Causal inference under incentives: an annotated reading list

This annotated reading list is intended to serve as a brief summary of work on causal inference in the presence of strategic agents.
30 August 2024, by

AIhub monthly digest: August 2024 – IJCAI, neural operators, and sequential decision making

Welcome to our monthly digest, where you can catch up with AI research, events and news from the month past.
29 August 2024, by

Air pollution in South Africa: affordable new devices use AI to monitor hotspots in real time

Creating a cost-effective air quality monitoring system based on sensors, Internet of Things and AI.
28 August 2024, by

Proportional aggregation of preferences for sequential decision making

Read about work that won an outstanding paper award at AAAI 2024.
27 August 2024, by and

Free AI courses from the Turing Institute

The Institute has a number of open learning resources on Data Science and AI topics.
23 August 2024, by

AIhub coffee corner: how do you solve a problem like conference reviewing?

The AIhub coffee corner captures the musings of AI experts over a short conversation.
22 August 2024, by

Machine learning enhances chemical analysis at the nanoscale

Scientists have developed a ML-based technique to improve chemical analysis of nanomaterials, overcoming challenges of noisy data and mixed signals.
21 August 2024, by

Interview with AAAI Fellow Anima Anandkumar: Neural Operators for science and engineering problems

Anima tells us about her work on Neural Operators and their application in different scientific domains.
20 August 2024, by

CMU-MATH team’s innovative approach secures 2nd place at the AIMO prize

Dive into our blog to discover the winning formula.
19 August 2024, by

Combining Indigenous knowledge and AI to support safer on-ice travel

Waterloo Engineering researchers partner with the Inuit-led Arctic Eider Society to better detect hazardous ice areas
16 August 2024, by

Visuals of AI in the military domain: beyond ‘killer robots’ and towards better images?

Anna Nadibaidze explores the main themes found across common visuals of AI in the military domain.
13 August 2024, by

Behind the scenes at #ICML2024

Catch the video recordings from the behind the scenes chats at the International Conference on Machine Learning.
12 August 2024, by

#IJCAI2024 – tweet round-up from the main conference

Find out what the participants got up to during the second half of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
09 August 2024, by

Paris Olympics 2024: faster, higher, stronger – and more data-driven

How has AI been used during the Olympic games this year?
08 August 2024, by

Congratulations to the #IJCAI2024 distinguished paper award winners

Find out who has won the prestigious awards at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
07 August 2024, by

Bridging the gap between user expectations and AI capabilities: Introducing the AI-DEC design tool

Our team developed the AI-DEC, a participatory design tool to help create AI designs that are more user-centered.
06 August 2024, by

#IJCAI2024 – tweet round-up of the tutorials and workshops

Find out what the participants have been getting up during the first few days of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
05 August 2024, by

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